First of all, quantum algorithms are written in a mathematical way.
This kind of representation, with texts and symbols, is quite appropriate in a theoretical point of view,
but it doesn't allow an easy implementation if you want to program a simulation on a classical machine.
extract from a Richard Jozsa's course
Another way to represent quantum algorithms is often used: a hybrid of graphics and mathematical symbols.
But such representations are sometimes not very accurate, like the ellipse that show interferences in this particular image.
extract from "Quantum computer, twelve years after Shor", Valerio Scarani
In a more elementary point of view, qubits are usually represented by a 2-dimensional vector.
This is very simple and easy to understand. The drawback is, that for a non-expert, it is difficult to remember that each coefficient
corresponds in fact to the modulus of the complex magnitude.
extract from a Frédéric Magniez's course
To compromise for the previous problem, the qubit can be represented as a sphere, the Bloch's sphere,
which shows the complex magnitudes with 2 angles.
Unfortunately, such representations don't exist for higher dimensions.
preview from any initiation about quantum computing
Some attempts were made to use colors.
Either with the blend of 2 colors...
extract from an article of Scientific American, Nov 2002
... or with very different colors...
images from various articles futura-sciences, sup-info, aso.
Lastly 2 colors - Green and Red - are sometimes used to represent the two base-vectors |0> et |1>.
image obtained from a course at Sherbrooke University.